Margaret Atwood: 9/11 terrorists were inspired by ‘Star Wars'

Maybe Al Qaeda held movie nights during the planning of the 9/11 attacks.

Margaret Atwood, the author of “The Handmaid’s Tale,” echoed a bizarre conspiracy that ties the attacks on the World Trade Center to “Star Wars.”

During an interview with Variety, the 78-year-old Canadian writer said the terrorists “got the idea from ‘Star Wars.’”

“Remember the first one? Two guys fly a plane in the middle of something and blow that up? The only difference is, in ‘Star Wars,’ they get away. Right after 9/11, they hired a bunch of Hollywood screenwriters to tell them how the story might go next,” Atwood said.

“Sci-fi writers are very good at this stuff, anticipating future events. They don’t all come true, but there are interesting ‘what if’ scenarios.”

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It’s unclear what Atwood is exactly referring to: In “A New Hope,” the Rebels fire on a vulnerable spot in the Death Star, while General Lando Calrissian and the alien Nien Nunb fly the Millennium Falcon into a second Death Star in “Return of the Jedi.”

Admiral Holdo flies a Resistance cruiser into a Star Destroyer in a “Last Jedi” suicide mission, although that happened well after the 2001 attacks.

The Hulu adaptation of “Handmaid’s Tale,” on which Atwood serves as a supervising producer, returns for a second season on April 26.
