Kellyanne Conway says she helped pay for a friend's abortion

White House adviser Kellyanne Conway was recently profiled by New York Magazine about her life and role in Trump's presidency. The interview illuminated many previously unknown tidbits about Conway -- such as her nickname of "Blueberry."

One story of Conway's in particular struck a nerve with some. Conway identifies as pro-life, but told New York Magazine she's "sympathetic" to women who undergo the procedure.

"Do I know anybody who ever got an abortion? Well, of course I do. I've driven them there. I've helped pay," she told New York Magazine.

"You know, when you're young, you're thinking about the person, not the issue. We were younger, and I was focused on her, not on the larger public policy."

See Conway since the 2016 presidential election

Conway had supported the March for Life in January. In her speech, she said: "I am a wife, a mother, a Catholic, counselor to the President of the United States of America, and, yes, I am pro-life."

Conway's New York Magazine interview was released shortly before fellow conservative and The Blaze show host, Tomi Lahren, said she was pro-choice.

While on The View, Lahren said: "You know what? I'm for limited government, so stay out of my guns, and you can stay out of my body as well." Lahren was suspended from her show for a week following the comments.
