Harry Reid gave a blunt, 3-word response when asked if he supported recount efforts

Outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid shrugged Tuesday when asked if he supported the recount effort spearheaded by Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

"Sure, why not?" the Nevada Democrat told reporters at a press conference.

Stein, along with another third-party candidate, petitioned for a recount in Wisconsin, one of the most closely contested states, last week. Officials there began the recount process Monday. Stein also filed for a recount in Pennsylvania, and has said she would file in Michigan as well.

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The recount process is viewed as unlikely to change the results in any of the three states.

But the effort, in which Hillary Clinton's campaign has said it will participate, has angered President-elect Donald Trump. He slammed the effort as a "scam" Saturday, and went on an extended tweetstorm about how he would've won the popular vote had their not been millions of people who illegally voted for Clinton, a claim he did not back up with evidence.

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