Conspiracy theory claims that Trump was born in Pakistan


A Pakistani news channel claims that President-elect Donald Trump was actually born in Pakistan.

Neo News, an Urdu-language outlet, reported that Trump was born as Dawood Ibrahim Khan in the Waziristan region in 1946.

Here is a YouTube clip of the report:

Apparently, Khan's parents were killed in a car accident and was brought to the United States in 1955 ... and became Donald Trump.

They claim a photo of a young boy is Trump:

Credit: Neo News

Fact-checking site Snopes denounced the theory as false. Not only do photos exist of Trump with his family as a young man in New York, but the photo Neo News used is certainly not him.

Credit: Instagram, Newsday

The photo used by Neo News is actually of a boy in Afghanistan that was first posted online in 2012.

This bizarre theory has a level of irony given Trump's involvement in the birther movement. For much of Obama's presidency, Trump doubted that he was born in the United States and not Kenya.

RELATED: See Trump become President-elect
