Michael Moore's post-election plan explodes on social media

Filmmaker Michael Moore has written a five-point plan to save America after Donald Trump was elected president.

In a post on Facebook, the "Bowling for Columbine" director said he was not surprised that Trump beat his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in the US election on Tuesday.

Moore predicted Trump's victor in July. He said Americans who did not forsee the Republican's rise to the White House "were in a bubble and weren't paying attention to your fellow Americans and their despair."

RELATED: See long-time activist and filmmaker Michael Moore throughout the years

To address Trump's triumph, he set out a "morning after to-do list." Here are the highlights:

- Return the Democratic Party to the people.

- Fire all pundits, experts, and pollsters who "refused to listen to or acknowledge what was really going on."

- Democratic members of Congress must be ready to resist Trump with the same vigour that Republican's mustered during Barack Obama's tenure as President.

- People should remove themselves from their "bubble" and realise that their fellow Americans are tired of "being neglected by both parties."

- The "arcane, insane 18th century idea called the Electoral College" must be reformed because the majority of Americans voted for Clinton over Trump.

Moore concluded: "You live in a country where a majority of its citizens have said they believe there's climate change, they believe women should be paid the same as men, they want a debt-free college education, they don't want us invading countries, they want a raise in the minimum wage and they want a single-payer true universal health care system. None of that has changed. We live in a country where the majority agree with the "liberal" position. We just lack the liberal leadership to make that happen."

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