Rudy Giuliani rips into Hillary Clinton: 'I now understand why you failed the bar exam'



Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani offered some advice to Donald Trump following the first presidential debate on Monday -- skip the next one.

According to Giuliani, debate moderator Lester Holt did the country a "disservice" for fact-checking during the highly-anticipated event.

"What's he doing interfering?" said Giuliani, "Hillary Clinton is the one that should be correcting Donald Trump -- not a journalist."

The former mayor felt so strongly about the NBC host's performance as moderator that he urged the Republican nominee to sit out the subsequent debates.

"If I were Donald Trump I wouldn't participate in the debate unless I was promised the journalist would act like a journalist and not an incorrect ignorant fact checker," said Giuliani.

Click through images of the first presidential debate:

"If you wonder why Donald Trump thinks that the press is a left wing basically oriented group, Lester Holt proved it tonight."

Giuliani also clarified one standout moment from the debate where Trump refrained from making a comment he described as "extremely rough to Hillary and her family." The GOP nominee decided he "couldn't do it. It's inappropriate."

"What Donald Trump held back in the end," Giuliani explained, "He was ready to say you're a phony as a feminist."

While Giuliani applauded the Republican nominee for showing "admirable restraint regarding Hillary Clinton's phony attempt at feminism," he revealed Trump was ready to attack Clinton for taking money from "countries that stone women."

"You take money from countries that imprison women. You take money from countries where women can't drive," Giuliani continued as he laid into the former secretary of state. "You take millions and hundreds of millions of dollars from countries that treat women as chattel."

According to Giuliani, Trump was apparently ready to evoke Bill Clinton's infidelity scandals of the '90s saying Hillary Clinton, "attacked Monica Lewinsky, saying she was basically insane, when it turned out your husband had violated an intern in the oval office of the White House disgracing the United States of America.

"After her years with Bill Clinton, if you didn't know Monica Lewinsky was telling the truth then you're not smart enough to be president."

Trump confirmed in the spin room following the debate that he was considering raising the controversial topic, but decided not to "out of respect for Chelsea."

Regarding Clinton's performance in the debate, Giuliani simply said, "I now understand why you failed the bar exam."

One area the former mayor and Trump still do not see eye-to-eye on is the war in Iraq.

"I disagree with Donald Trump," Giuliani said. "He and I had numerous debates about the Iraq war. It was my opinion that Saddam Hussein had to be removed. It was his opinion that that was very questionable and that it might create a disruptive situation in the United States."

"I believe the war in Iraq was a justifiable war against a horrible dictator," said Giuliani.

Ultimately the man deemed "America's Mayor" following the attacks on September 11, 2001, sees Clinton and Trump representing a stark contrast for the future of the United States; Clinton characterizing the status quo, Trump the harbinger of change.

"Hillary Clinton gave us more of the same gibberish that we have been getting for years," said Giuliani. "You explain to me how you're gonna create more jobs for African American people and Hispanic people by raising taxes.

"Tonight Hillary Clinton displayed profound ignorance."
