Hilarious moon balloon cuts loose and wreaks havoc

You'd never expect to see the moon barreling towards you during a road trip, but some Chinese citizens experienced the impossible.

A huge inflatable balloon made to look like the Earth's moon was seen rolling through the streets of Fuzhou, the capital of southeastern China's Fujian province.

China Xinhua News Tweeted video of the spectacle:

The balloon was part of the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Chinese Moon Festival. Officials set up moon models all around the country in anticipation of the festival, which is over 3,000 years old.

RELATED: See the fascinating super moon from earlier this year

This particular balloon was cut loose as super typhoon Meranti hit the city. The storm is so bad that China issued a "red alert" and canceled hundreds of flights; it is the strongest storm to hit the country in years.
