Ivanka Trump sends out post attributing famous Jewish quote to Emma Watson

Fashion designer Ivanka Trump, daughter of billionaire real estate mogul and presidential candidate Donald Trump, famously converted to Judaism before marrying Jared Kushner in 2009.

So it came as a little bit of a head-scratcher when on Friday, Trump's team sent out a pair of Instagram and Twitter posts attributing the famous Rabbinical quote "If not me, who? If not now, when?" to actress Emma Watson.

Ivanka Trump sends out post attributing famous Jewish quote to Emma Watson
Source: Ivanka Trump/Instagram

The full quote, attributed to important ancient Jewish figure Hillel the Elder, reads: "If I am not for myself, who is for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?"

While Watson did repeat a modified version of the quote during a 2014 speech at the United Nations, the Huffington Post reported, it's a pretty famous quote — and the screwup inspired plenty of mockery.

Unlike her father, the eldest Trump daughter probably does not manage her own social media accounts — but IvankaTrump.com, the lifestyle site associated with her Twitter and Instagram pages, is known to employ a number of unpaid interns who work on various part of the site's operations. Best of luck there.
