6 scary ways constant worrying can damage your body and mind

Worrying is pretty much the worst. It's those needling thoughts that seem to take over everything, making it impossible to concentrate on the present, relax, or even sometimes get to sleep at night.

Worry, though, is also part of life. We all have things that we have to worry about, be it kids, finances, or whatever new curveball life's thrown at you lately.

In some cases, worrying is actually good for us. It makes us consider the possible outcomes of a situation, and helps us prepare for any of them. Worrying is a method of anticipating what might come next, and helps us be able to adapt and make the most of any outcome.

But when worry takes over, it can cripple us. It can interfere with decision-making, make us second-guess ourselves, and lead to a sense of paralysis in everyday life as we keep asking ourselves, "What if...?" In extreme cases, excess worrying can be a sign of a serious condition like generalized anxiety disorder.

Even worse is that worry doesn't just damage us emotionally. The stress from worry can take a very physical toll on us, too.

Below, you'll see all the things worry can do to your body. But this isn't just another thing to worry about! If you find yourself caught in a vicious cycle of worry and stress, try to consciously take note of it and work on breaking that cycle.

If you need support, consider talking to a professional who can teach you some skills to soothe your worrying habits.

Scroll through to read more about how stress can damage your body:

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