These common household foods are actually radioactive

Finding out two of your favorite foods are actually radioactive may throw you into a panic.

Before you freak and toss all your bananas and avocados, you may want to hear about the latest research from North Carolina State University.

Researchers concluded bananas and avocados are just two of the many items giving off radiation in your home, and it's going to be OK.

This was after they tested household items to prove not all radioactive materials are deadly. Their hope was to give the public a more thorough understanding of radiation to, "put things into perspective."

They claim the amount of gamma radiation given off by an avocado or banana is just about the same as the amount given off by a brick or smoke detector.

According to GloucesterLive, a professor on the study says the levels of household radiation are generally incredibly low.

RELATED: Common foods suspected of causing cancer
