Amazing burn survivor's maternity photoshoot goes viral

Any maternity photoshoot is beautiful, but this woman's is especially striking.

In 2001, 9-year-old Andrea Grant and her brother, Kendell Campbell, were injured in a gas explosion. They survived, but were left with scars. Now an adult, Grant was told she would never be able to carry a baby passed 37 weeks -- but she is defying the odds.

Grant also founded Beyond Scars, an organization that provides support and advocacy for burn survivors like her and her brother.

See the photoshoot and other photos of Grant

Grant is now 41 weeks pregnant, and recently had a maternity photoshoot to show the world. The photos quickly went viral, garnering thousands of likes and comments on Instagram.

Local news station Action News Jax interviewed Grant about the photoshoot and its popularity. "I really didn't think that was the response that was going to happen, but I'm honored," she said.

Grant wants others to know that they don't have to hide or be afraid to be themselves. If survivors like her ever doubt themselves, she wants them to remember: "Once you build up your confidence, no one can take it down."
