The one trend we wish we'd seen at the Emmy Awards

Tytin styles
Tytin styles

Let's be real, most Awards Season style stories (and red carpets in general) are totally biased towards what the women are wearing. While we occasionally include a dapper gent or two in our best dressed roundups, we fully admit to focusing on the gorgeous flowy gowns and sultry dresses.

We're not saying that we don't appreciate how sharp men look on the red carpet -- believe us, we do -- we just wish that there were more "wow" moments for men in fashion. When it comes to making a style statement, women have so many fun ways to do it. Options are far more limited for men.

One new menswear brand, however, would definitely make us do a double-take if we saw it on the red carpet.

Tytin is a new accessory brand for men, and it's one of the coolest developments in fashion that we've seen in a long time. A hybrid between a tie and jewelry, these accessories are an incredibly cool, yet subtle style statement.


"We wanted to do something unique," Founder Alexa Greenfield told us, "In menswear, everything is often so similar. So we wanted to switch it up."

She founded the company with her mother, Christine, and it's always been a passion for them both to mix fabric and metals. The Tytin is available in four different styles -- skin, braid, rope, and hammered (Alexa's favorite, also pictured above). They're also made in a variety of metal colors.

Now THIS is something we want to see on the red carpet.

Next year, men attending the Emmys. Next year.
