This woman was in tears on live TV after a dad tried to DIY her hair with a vacuum cleaner

Vacuum cleaners should only be used for two purposes: to clean or to suck up spiders. One place they definitely should not go near? Someone's hair.

But that is exactly where Australian TV personality Rob Palmer put a vacuum during a segment titled "D.I.Y. Dads" on Australia's morning show Today.

Palmer, who is known down under for his DIY home design tips (read: not hair), attempted to show how he gives his daughters "ballet buns in a heartbeat" using the household appliance.

What resulted was a production assistant in tears with what could be seen as a sad excuse for a ponytail. "You have a lot more hair than my daughter," he said when he first tried to suck up all of her hair.

This woman was in tears on live TV after a dad tried to DIY her hair with a vacuum cleaner

The production assistant was visibly in pain while the anchors laughed at how much of a disaster this hair hack is.

This woman was in tears on live TV after a dad tried to DIY her hair with a vacuum cleaner

Once Palmer ripped her hair out of the vacuum, she was barely holding back tears.

This woman was in tears on live TV after a dad tried to DIY her hair with a vacuum cleaner

And it only got worse once he tried to put the ponytail into a bun. "My 8-year-old's never cried before," he said.

This woman was in tears on live TV after a dad tried to DIY her hair with a vacuum cleaner

Many have commented on the clip, which has been posted to the show's Facebook and viewed over 530,000 times, calling out the absurdity of this hair tip.

"That show is getting crazy by the minute can't stand this rubbish that poor girl felt like an idiot," one wrote. "I watched this this morning and was cringing!! I am a hairdresser and this would be one of the the worst things you could possibly do to someone's hair," said another.

This particular hair "hack" has previously gone viral, with multiple dads trying to create the perfect ponytail using a vacuum. But if there is anything this Today segment proves, it's that some things are just not meant to be hacked.

As Today anchor Sylvia Jeffreys said during the segment, "I'm not sure that a brush couldn't have achieved that."

Watch the full cringeworthy video below:

