Genius ways to use your microwave

Genius ways to use your microwave
Genius ways to use your microwave

Microwaves have been a kitchen staple since the 1950s. Here are some cool and innovative ways to use your microwave.

Get the most out of your lemons. Heating up a lemon for 20 seconds will squeeze out more juice for your lemonade

Don't be too quick to throw out your dirty sponges. Soak your dish sponges with a tablespoon of white vinegar. Heat for about one minute. Your sponge will be clean, sanitized, and ready to use.

Dried herbs
Turn your fresh leftover herbs into instant dried seasoning. Wash them and pat them dry. Microwave in 20 second intervals and store them in containers.

No more tears
Prevent yourself from crying while you cut onions. Popping an onion in the microwave for 30 seconds helps keep the onion from making you tear up.

Soften your sugar
Have rock hard brown sugar? Soften it up by placing a moist paper towel over the bowl full of sugar. Heat it for 20 seconds. Now you've got soft sugar ready to use for baking.

Crispy pizza
Reheat leftover pizza in a microwave with a glass of water. The water will keep your toppings moist, and will prevent your crust from being chewy.

Bake your potatoes
Avoid waiting 40+ minutes to bake your potatoes in the oven. Instead, microwave your potatoes for six minutes. They will taste the same in less than half the time.

Find out what food items you shouldn't microwave:
