31 easy money hacks to help you get richer every single day this month

Having money is fun! But worrying about money is a major source of stress. Just thinking about goals like creating an emergency fund and saving for retirement can be a daunting prospect — when you haven't started either.

The good news is you don't have to become financially secure all at once. You can make lots of little lifestyle changes that pay big dividends in the future: especially if you start young and develop good money habits.

Need more motivation? This month, commit to making one simple, easy move a day to get that much closer to financial peace of mind.

Here are 31 easy steps, one for each day — to make you richer by the end of the month.

Sign up for The Payoff — your weekly crash course on how to live your best financial life. Additionally, for all your burning money questions, check out Mic's credit, savings, career, investing and health care hubs for more information — that pays off.
