This man hand-delivered 40 resumes in doughnut boxes -- and here's what happened

If you think that sweetening up your resume means simply adding a pop of color in the title, you might want to take a page out of this man's book.

Or, rather, a doughnut out of his box!

SEE ALSO: Don't make this one huge mistake on your resume

25-year-old Lukas Yla, of Vilnius, Lithuania, knew that standing out was a necessity when it came to finding a job in the ever-competitive tech market in the San Francisco area.

Most hopefuls send their resumes via email, praying that it will end up in the inbox of the right person at the right company. It almost seems like an ancient practice to physically go door-to-door and hand out a resume to potential employers.

Knowing this, Lucas combined creativity and tradition and came up with the perfect plan to land him the perfect American-dream tech job.

He dressed up as a Postmates (a company that allows members to use an app and have a delivery man bring them whatever items they desire) deliveryman delivering doughnuts and went around to nearly 40 companies in the area.

Inside each box of doughnuts was his resume and a note that said "Most resumes end up in trash, Mine - in your belly."

Lukas told ABC News:

"I was looking for the most direct way to reach decision makers at the companies. I thought that I might fail competing only on 'resume level' with other candidates that have work experience in San Francisco."

The result?

He landed 10 job interviews, and couldn't be prouder:

"How far can I go in a city where competition is much tougher, where I know no one?"

We'd say based on his successes so far, his future in the city is looking pretty sweet.

Now, check out this man who made a GQ magazine-style resume:

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