The new email scam you need to watch out for

Email scammers are only getting smarter with their tactics to trick users into sending money for expenses they believe they owe.

The latest scam to watch out for? An email claiming to be the IRS asking you for an Obamacare payment.

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The email contains an attachment, which is a fake 2015 CP2000 notice.

Two red flags from the get-go: The IRS would never contact you urgently by email and all tax-related forms would be sent via mail, not as an email attachment.

CNN Money reports:

"The fake version of the emailed notice will indicate that the filer underreported income related to his or her coverage in 2014 under the Affordable Care Act. The phony CP2000 will also indicate that the filer owes money to the IRS and includes a payment voucher with the letter number 105C."

As with most scam emails, report to spam and don't respond to the email.

And as a typical rule of thumb to always remember, if you're receiving any sort of email informing you that you owe money to any organization or person, don't act on it – always follow up via phone or in person (if it's a government organization you can go to).

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