OnlyOnAOL: How Taylor Swift inspired Kathy Griffin's new emojis


By: Donna Freydkin

There are those famous folks who struggle to string together anything quotable.

And then there's comedian Kathy Griffin.

She's launching her own set of emojis, and Griffin won't hesitate to tout her creations. "I'm on the cutting edge once again, with my emoji. I'm basically like the White Chyna," she says.

She's referring, of course, to Blac Chyna and her series of emojis, some of them quite racy and others featuring her fiancé Rob Kardashian getting up close and personal with her pregnant belly.

But let's forget Chyna for a moment and let Griffin tell the tale of how her emojis came into being.

"I was at dinner at Norman Lear's house. There's this dude there and his date was from the band Haim. I was giving her (expletive) about the Taylor Swift squad. She put me on the phone with her sister. It turns out that her boyfriend does emojis. He talked to me about it and I thought it was a fun idea. I'm 55. I've been doing standup forever. Over the years I've accumulated a lot of sayings. We started coming up with ideas. It's been so much fun to do. We decided to go a little bit further with the sensibility. If I had to pick some favorites that are maybe not stereotypical emojis, there's a phrase that I originated called 'everybody can suck it.' There are variations of suck it."

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2016 iHeartRadio Music Festival - Night 2
2016 iHeartRadio Music Festival - Night 2
2016 iHeartRadio Music Festival - Night 2

So there you have it. You can indirectly credit Taylor Swift and her besties Haim for Griffin's emoji launch. Yes, Griffin plans on thanking the "Blank Space" singer.

"There's a lot I can send to Taylor Swift. I'm going to gift her $1.99. She's hit a rough patch. It'll brighten up her week," she says.

Her emojis are unique. "There's one of me in my bangin' bikini body. There are some of my mom with boxes of wine. I have some of my dogs. They're their own characters. They are funny," says Griffin.

She's also, get ready for it, the proud neighbor of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. Again, here it is straight from Griffin's mouth, because she tells one helluva story.

"Six weeks ago I bought a brand new house. Wouldn't you know it. I found my dream house and it's next to Kim and Kanye. I called the mom, Kris Jenner. I know her. I asked her how everything was going. She gave me this whole pitch about how the neighborhood was great and then she came over. She came over and opened the window and started yelling at them out the window. Then she called Kanye. She wanted him to come to the window and wave. He calls her back and says he's not even in LA. She came over one time when my mom was here and my mom takes Kris' side on any issue. She throws me under the bus," she says.

Perhaps that could be an emoji as well.
