Watch Live: Electoral College voters officially cast ballots in 2016 presidential election


Electoral College members across the country meet on Monday to officially cast their ballots for the 45th president of the United States.

The final step in the most contentious presidential election in modern U.S. history comes after last week's conclusion by both the CIA and FBI that Russian hackers attempted to undermine American democracy and tilt the election in President-elect Donald Trump's favor.

After news of the Russian hack broke, a number of Electoral College members called for an intelligence briefing on Russia's role in the 2016 contest between Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and then-billionaire businessman Donald Trump. The electoral request was denied, though, and members vote today without having had a briefing.

The Electoral College is expected to officially confirm Donald Trump's presidency. Watch live above as the votes come in from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

RELATED: The best photos from the entire 2016 election year
