Mom hilariously forgets names of her daughter's friends

A mother's work is never done, and we all know one of the most important duties for moms: embarrassing their kids!

For Christina Duron's mom, that means having a bit of trouble keeping track of her daughter's friends.

Duron, a student at Texas State University, posted photos on Twitter with a note that said, "I really can't with my mom." She proceeded to share pictures her mom, Patti Wood, had shared with her Facebook friends.

In the caption, Wood says she's proud of her gorgeous daughter, admitting she forgot the name of her date pictured with her.

Other times, she just guesses names: "Christina and Allyssa? Kara?"

Thankfully, they shared an exchange about the right names on Facebook and shared it with us. Christina gives the right name, and then her mom still feels the need to correct it herself: "This is Miranda."

The woman in the picture may be Miranda, but not bothering to remember people's names? Christina's mom sounds like a total Samantha.

RELATED: Funny notes
