This is what the US election map would look like if just men voted on Election Day

One hypothetical forecast of voter turnout in the November 8 election would apparently turn nearly all of the United States red.

FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver published a presidential election forecast on Tuesday night that illustrated how the country would likely vote if only men were casting ballots.

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According to the projection, which was based on the FiveThirtyEight polls-only forecast, Trump would grab 350 electoral votes, while Clinton's 188 electoral vote would come from the West Coast, some parts of the Northeast, and just two states in between — New Mexico and Illinois.

Here's what that map looks like:

If women were the only voters, that would yield 458 electoral votes for Clinton to just 80 for Trump:

"It seems fair to say that, if Trump loses the election, it will be because women voted against him," Silver concluded.
