Gem-hunting dad and daughter find 2 carat diamond at state park

By: Keri Lumm, Buzz60

Diamonds are a girl's best friend, and this dad found a great one for his daughter.

Dan and Lauren Fredrick love to search for gemstones, so naturally, they decided to head to Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas. The state park is home to plenty of diamonds all open for the taking, and even better, you get to keep what you find.

Kind of surprised the government hasn't saved these to help with the national debt.

The father daughter duo paid their $8 admission fee and had been in the park for less than an hour when Dan saw something sparkling about 3 feet away. The sparkle turned out to be a two carat diamond!

Lauren said, "it really was the cherry on top of a fun and special trip with my dad. Finding the diamond will be one of my favorite memories, especially since my dad and I found it together."

They have dubbed the stone, "Lucky Diamond" and do not have plans to sell.

The only bad news is that this dad will have a really hard time getting gifts for his daughter in the future, because how do you top a two carat diamond?

RELATED: Behold the second largest diamond ever found:
