These adorable animals may look cute, but they could kill you


While their faces might seem cuddly, approach with caution.

These adorable animals could kill you.

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Moose: While they tend to leave humans alone, these guys aren't great with anger management. More people are attacked by moose each year than by bears.

Wolverine: No, not Hugh Jackman in the X-Men movies. This weasel is ferocious and known for bringing down animals ten times their own size.

Dolphin: People love to swim with dolphins, but reports have shown that they have murderous tendencies. They are known to kill other animals for sport.

Duck-billed platypus: Male platypus have a poisonous spur on their hind feet. While it isn't fatal to humans, it can be extremely painful.

Dingo: Disregarding the whole 'dingo ate my baby' case, these are wild dogs. While they are cautious of humans, it's best to avoid them and avoid petting.


Slow loris: In order to keep predators at bay, these guys release a toxin from their elbows. It can be harmful to humans who may be allergic to these toxins.

Leopard seal: Leopard seals only have one known predator -- killer whales. At the top of the food chain, it's wise to steer clear of them. They've been known to kill humans.

Blue-ringed octopus: While they only grow to be about 7 inches long, these guys can still pack a punch. Their venom can be fatal and an antidote hasn't been developed yet.

Cassowary: They are known as one of the world's largest birds. They can run up to 30 miles an hour and attack using their large claws.

Swan: Swans are not nice birds. They are very territorial and have been known to attack humans.

RELATED: And they aren't the only ones -- these are the world's deadliest animals:
