Professional clown starts 'Clown Lives Matter' movement after recent creepy sightings


Multiple clown sightings have scared people across the country. People wearing clown masks have been spotted across various regions, sending some areas into a clown panic.

While these sightings have shocked the general public, they are ruining some citizens' professional careers. Jordan Jones has worked as Snuggles the Clown for years, entertaining and scaring people at Screamland Farms in Maryland for a living.

He says he and other professional clowns have been profiled as the scary people dressing as clowns hiding in the woods.

"Everyone took this as a joke but it's really become serious now, and I just want all these teenagers to know that it's not a game anymore. You're ruining my job and other actors around the world," Jones told WPMT.

He has started a movement on Facebook called Clown Lives Matter.

"They go outside like myself the other day I went outside for a photo shoot and people were driving by taking pictures saying they are going to call the cops because they profiled me as one of the clowns in the woods," he said.

Jones wants to send the message that this is no laughing matter: "I think it's really negative. It's becoming very, very serious and I don't think a lot of people know how serious it's becoming."

See photos of Jones below:
