You have one week left for the chance to work (and live) at Buckingham Palace

Though we can't all wake up and magically be born into royalty, there's now a way to live rent-free with the Royal Family in perhaps what can be seen as the epitome of royalty: Buckingham Palace.

For the next week, the Royal Household is accepting applications for a Housekeeping Assistant at Buckingham Palace.

SEE ALSO: How does Queen Elizabeth II actually make money?

We'd say if there is any job where you can network and gain invaluable experience, this would probably be it.

The position, which falls under the category of the Master of the Household's Department, entails cleaning and caring for all surfaces, rooms and items throughout the palace (with extra care of course – these items are extremely expensive and historic, after all.)

Take a look at the famed Buckingham Palace where you would be working and living:

The Housekeeping Assistant's duties also extend to taking care of guests and helping around at special events (aka all of the palaces finest parties).

And, of course, you'll get to live in the palace since it is a live-in assistant job – accommodations could probably be worse, we suppose.

So what does it take to be deemed worthy enough to work and live at one of the most prestigious buildings in the world?

Surprisingly enough, the posting calls for a set of skills and requirements that seem pretty commonplace for any job.

These include "time management...outstanding team working skills...keen attention to detail...excellent communication skills...positive approach...eager to learn...enthusiasm and passion."

And the best part about the listing? "Housekeeping or hospitality experience would be an asset, but is by no means essential."

So whether you're a cleaning pro or you've never picked up a broom in your life, the only thing that's stopping you from getting the job of the century is filling out the application.

Applications are open until Sunday, September 18th.

As the listing itself claims, "This is no standard housekeeping role."

We couldn't agree more.

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