OnlyOnAOL: Spike Feresten goes from 'Soup Nazi' to souped-car cars

Spike Feresten On "Car Matchmaker"
Spike Feresten On "Car Matchmaker"

By: Donna Freydkin

Think of it as eHarmony, but with a motor.

Comedian Spike Feresten, who was a scribe on "Late Show with David Letterman" and "Late Night with David Letterman," then penned that famous "Soup Nazi" episode on "Seinfeld" and later had his own talk-show on FOX, is back in the driver's seat.

This time, Feresten is revving up "Car Matchmaker," a show that's like a "Bachelor" for both car buffs and newbies, minus the unctuous rose ceremony. He's had Jerry Seinfeld on his show, and Keanu Reeves. But, says Feresten, "My favorite guests aren't the celebrities. They're the people who don't know anything about cars and really need the help."

Feresten makes vehicles sexy, and desirable, even for someone like this writer, who only views a car as a means to get from a house to a store and back (new episodes air Wednesdays on the Esquire Network). "You see so much of what we're excited about," says Feresten. "I've had cars I almost die in because I'm too stressed. And I switch out into a different truck and now I have a place to relax."

Spike Feresten visits AOL Hq for Build on August 24, 2016 in New York. Photos by Noam Galai
Spike Feresten visits AOL Hq for Build on August 24, 2016 in New York. Photos by Noam Galai
Spike Feresten visits AOL Hq for Build on August 24, 2016 in New York. Photos by Noam Galai
Spike Feresten visits AOL Hq for Build on August 24, 2016 in New York. Photos by Noam Galai
Spike Feresten visits AOL Hq for Build on August 24, 2016 in New York. Photos by Noam Galai
Spike Feresten visits AOL Hq for Build on August 24, 2016 in New York. Photos by Noam Galai

The two people who aren't impressed by dad's job are his sons. "I hear that a lot, that you're such a cool dad. But I'm not. I'm a dad who has a lot of cars around. One of my boys likes rockets, and the other one is really into basketball. They're 8 and 6. They really love this old Land Rover I have," says Feresten. "It reminds them of an Army vehicle."

So of all his famous friends, who has the best car collection?

"That's a very judgmental question. Jay Leno is a stories guy. He has a lot of vintage cars, modern cars, steam-powered, diesel. He loves the story of a car," says Feresten. "Jerry is a big fan of Porsche. He just likes the company and the history of the company and how they evolved. He mostly buys in that vein. I'm a driver. I'm less of a collector. I like to buy smart."

If you ask Feresten for car advice, be prepared to answer major questions. "What do you like about driving? How often do you drive? Where are you going? Where do you keep your car? We'd want something all-wheel drive. What's your budget? You have how many kids? There's a lot of stuff you can buy to enjoy."

Step on the gas, friends.

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