Why this mom's picture of toothpaste has over half a million shares

School counselor gives advice on bullying, anxiety
School counselor gives advice on bullying, anxiety

A mom's Facebook post about a pile of toothpaste has nearly 700,000 shares and comments, and an overwhelming amount of support from parents.

The photo shows a pile of gooey blue toothpaste, squirted onto a plate. However, the toothpaste stood as a lesson for her daughter, who was about to start middle school.


The post starts off with how they've prepped their young daughter for this new stage. She then asked her daughter to squeeze the toothpaste onto the ceramic plate:

My daughter starts middle school tomorrow. We've decorated her locker, bought new uniforms, even surprised her with a new backpack. But tonight just before bed, we did another pre-middle school task that is far more important than the others. I gave her a tube of toothpaste and asked her to squirt it out onto a plate. When she finished, I calmly asked her to put all the toothpaste back in the tube. She began exclaiming things like "But I can't!" and "It won't be like it was before!"

Then, her words turned poignant.

"I quietly waited for her to finish and then said the following: You will remember this plate of toothpaste for the rest of your life. Your words have the power of life or death. As you go into middle school, you are about to see just how much weight your words carry. You are going to have the opportunity to use your words to hurt, demean, slander and wound others. You are also going to have the opportunity to use your words to heal, encourage, inspire and love others. You will occasionally make the wrong choice; I can think of three times this week I have used my own words carelessly and caused harm. Just like this toothpaste, once the words leave your mouth, you can't take them back.

It's clear to see why her post received so much attention. Parents are praising Gardner for her unique approach to discuss bullying, confidence and other issues that may arise for this young girl.

You can read her entire post on her Facebook.

Gardner's expressive is important to see. Her words show kindness goes a long way.

Scroll through to see acts of kindness:

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