Ivanka Trump's brother-in-law will reportedly be voting for Hillary Clinton

Ivanka Trump's Brother-In-Law Will Reportedly Be Voting For Hillary Clinton
Ivanka Trump's Brother-In-Law Will Reportedly Be Voting For Hillary Clinton

Many in Donald Trump's family, immediate and extended, have rallied around the candidate, but not all, notes Politico.

Ivanka Trump's brother-in-law, Josh Kushner, will reportedly not be voting for the GOP candidate.

That was revealed in a recent Esquire profile of Ivanka Trump's husband, Jared Kushner.

Click through images of Ivanka Trump and her family:

Though Josh did not speak to the publication personally, the magazine notes, "...through a spokesman, he said that he loved his brother and did not want to say anything that might embarrass him. Nevertheless, the spokesman also said that Josh is a lifelong Democrat and will not be voting for Donald Trump in November."

Conversely, brother Jared has been an active advocate for Trump, defending him against accusations of racism and raising funds for his campaign.

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