Why having a sister is a good thing

Why having a sister is a good thing
Why having a sister is a good thing

Sisters - can't live with them, can't live without them, but did you know just how special your sister may be?

Science is here to tell us just what makes having a sister so great:

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They teach us social skills. A study found that kindergarteners who had a sibling got along better with others.

Sisters also help us not feel as lonely. Scientists found that teens between 10 and 14-years-old were less likely to suffer from depression if they had a sister.

Having a sister means you're less likely to get a divorce. One study says for each sibling you have, it reduces the chances you'll get divorced by two percent.

Having a sister means you're a better listener. According to science author, Jeffrey Kluger, if you grew up with a sister you're naturally more sensitive.

And finally, all those fights about toys might actually have helped you in the future. Fights between siblings affect person development, leading to better emotional understanding.

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