Justin Bieber turned down $5-million offer to perform at Republican event

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Justin Bieber may be from Canada, but that doesn't mean he stays away from American politics.

According to TMZ, the singer was asked to perform at a Republican event in Cleveland. While the performance would not be at the RNC, it was during that same week at a venue close to the Quicken Loans arena, where the convention was held.

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CAA, the agency that represents Bieber, received an offer of $5 million to have him perform at the event. A promotor reportedly said that he would sing for 45 minutes, and that the event would "not be political" nor would he be endorsing Donald Trump. The money was funded by GOP donors.

Scooter Braun, Bieber's manager, did not appreciate the offer. He is a Hillary Clinton supporter and called the move "100 percent political." Initially, he advised Bieber to do the show and put "Black Lives Matter" banners throughout the venue.

The promoter said the donors would not accept that, but would accept "All Lives Matter" banners. Furthermore, Bieber couldn't say anything negative about Trump or the GOP. At this point, Braun said Bieber could do the show -- but he would quit if he did.

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The promotor also mentioned that basketball player LeBron James would be at the event and would be apolitical. James contacted Bieber's management and said not only was he not going, but he was not in Cleveland during the RNC. He urged Bieber to turn it down.

Bieber followed Braun and James' advice and did not take the offer.
