Fat toad's butt gets him stuck

Fat Toad's Butt Gets Him Stuck
Fat Toad's Butt Gets Him Stuck

A toad in England recently got itself stuck in a family's deck slat, and the pictures will leave you feeling conflicted between laughing and feeling bad for the little guy.

Due to a figure similar to what Sir Mix-A-Lot was rapping about back in the 90s, the toad got himself lodged in between two slats in the family's deck.

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Though it initially looked funny, the reptile was seriously stuck and need to get out.

The family called England's RSPCA, who came to the toad's rescue. Despite toads having a reputation for being slimy, getting this one out was no easy task.

The team had to saw through the deck, which caused the toad to fall deeper into the crevice. They then had to take out an entire section of the structure to free him.

A press release from the RSPCA says he wasn't hurt, and he simply hopped away toward a garden pond where he belongs.

In the future, if this toad wants to go hopping around decks, it might be a good idea for him lay off the flies.

Related: Also see these unusual sea creatures:
