Trump leads Clinton in poll after Republican Convention

Trump Leads Clinton In Poll After Republican Convention
Trump Leads Clinton In Poll After Republican Convention

The Republican National Convention apparently proved to be a successful one for Donald Trump, landing him ahead of Hillary Clinton in a recent CNN/ORC poll.

48 percent of respondents favored him, while 45 percent voiced support for his Democratic opponent.

SEE ALSO: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigns as tensions threaten to roil convention

When candidates Jill Stein and Gary Johnson were added to the election equation, Trump received 44 percent backing compared to Clinton's 39 percent.

Independent voters seemed to be highly swayed by the Republican National Convention.

Prior to the event, Clinton had 34 percent of their support compared to Trump's 31 percent.

The latest poll, which was conducted between July 22 and 24, 46 percent of independents championed Trump and 28 percent said they are backing Clinton.

Respondents were less impressed by the convention overall, with 58 percent noting an excess amount of time was devoted to attacking Democrats.

See photos from the RNC:
