Are you too old to ride a roller coaster?

Are You Too Old To Ride a Rollercoaster?
Are You Too Old To Ride a Rollercoaster?

By Keleigh Nealon, Buzz60

What's summer without amusement parks and the thrill of a roller coaster ride?

Roller coasters are a lot of fun at any age, but you need to be able to handle it physically.

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Amusement park expert and author Pete Trabucco says no one is ever too old to ride roller coasters, but the bigger question is if you're physically able to ride.

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Maximum age requirements on coasters are uncommon, so make sure your body can take the stress. Rides are more intense than ever, and the worry about older riders comes from changes in their blood pressure and heart conduction, especially from all the pushing and pulling of the new rides.

Other health concerns arise from pregnancy, aneurysms and recent surgeries. Some parks now put up signs to remind people of these conditions.

Furthermore, motion sickness sensitivity tends to decline with age. However, if you're worried, try shorter rides and avoid junk food before boarding and enjoy the ride.
