Chick-fil-A ruffles feathers by removing popular menu item

Chick-fil-A Ruffles Feathers by Removing Popular Menu Item
Chick-fil-A Ruffles Feathers by Removing Popular Menu Item

Devoted fans of Chick-fil-A already have it rough as they have to deal with the chain being closed on Sundays, but what the Atlanta-based fast food joint just did brought people to tears.

Really, even grown men have taken to the internet to post the same sad GIFs over and over.

What kind of horrible offense warrants such a reaction?

The company recently removed the Spicy Chicken Biscuit from the breakfast menu without warning, and replaced it with the healthier Egg White Grill. The new sandwich is a grilled chicken breast, egg whites, and American cheese served on a multigrain English muffin. The new addition is just 300 calories.

The Spicy Chicken Biscuit was 450 calories.

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The move is part of Chick-fil-A's plan to give health conscious customers a quick grab and go breakfast. The company said the new sandwich tested well in New York City, where people sure aren't afraid to give their opinions.

Neither were folks on Twitter, who were angry to say the least.

This includes Roy who tweeted, "whoever wrote that on the whiteboard of ideas should have their hands maimed."

Another, Devon, even threatened to boycott the restaurant until they brought it back!

This all seems like a bit much considering the Spicy Chicken Sandwich is still available during lunchtime – it's just the breakfast biscuit that's gone.

Except the St. Petersburg, Florida location on 4th Street North is still serving the soon to be extinct sandwich.

Road trip, anyone?

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