Snake falls on woman's feet while she is driving

Snake Falls on Driver's Feet While She's Driving
Snake Falls on Driver's Feet While She's Driving

By Amanda Kabbabe/Patrick Jones (Buzz60)

You've heard of horror stories of drivers spotting a spider inside the car and freaking out. Apparently, it can get worse.

Worse, as in a 4-foot-long snake.

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A driver in Arkansas called the cops after she spotted the reptile. It was hard to miss, considering it dropped out of her dashboard and fell right onto her feet. Yikes!

She told local TV stations that as soon as the snake landed on her feet, she felt it. She described it as "rough and scaly," also describing how it slithered across her feet.

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The woman said she called 911 while trying to get off the highway. Thankfully, she didn't have a knee-jerk reaction to tug on her wheel and was able to pull over safely.

Animal control and the Washington County Sheriff's Department arrived at the scene and were able to capture the rat snake.

It's worth noting the snake isn't poisonous, and had it bitten the woman, it likely wouldn't have been serious.

Besides seriously terrifying, of course.

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