These might be the most outrageous mugshots ever

Man Arrested For Weed Has Half A Beard In Mugshot
Man Arrested For Weed Has Half A Beard In Mugshot

In the world of crime, sometimes a criminal's mugshot is just as outrageous or even more so than their crime.

Jeremy Meeks made headlines, not for his crime, but for his mugshot and was deemed the "hottest criminal ever." He even landed a modeling contract after his release from jail.

But not all mug shots get such positive attention. 58-year-old Kevin Gibson made news for his unusual mugshot in which he was featured with a full, white beard on the left side of his face while the other side is shaven.

Bruce Post III, a New Jersey man also made headlines for unusual facial hair. Many were thrown off by the suspected white supremacist's "Hitler mustache."

Click through below to see even more weirdly bearded, sleepy, heavily tattooed, abnormally happy and even handsome mugshots:
