Wisconsin man finds box of human blood on the road

Wisconsin Man Finds Box Of Human Blood On The Road
Wisconsin Man Finds Box Of Human Blood On The Road

It's not unusual to see debris on the road, but a Wisconsin man recently found a box labeled "HUMAN BLOOD."

According to a report posted by the City of Madison Police Department, the incident occurred on May 1 when a 68-year-old motorist spotted the object on Zeirer Road.

He ended up putting the box in his car and notifying a police officer who identified it as the likely property of the American Red Cross.

The officer eventually delivered the box to one of the charity's offices which admitted to being short from a recent delivery.

The errant package is believed to have been accidentally left on the car during the loading process.

As the police report notes, the material appeared to be fine, and the man who turned it in was notified "his potentially life-saving find" was in the proper hands.

Related: Also see the strangest things found by Customs agents:
