You've never been as amazed by anything in your life as this guy is by thunder and lightning

'Oh My Days!' Local Man Reacts as Lightning Strikes During Ipswich Storm
'Oh My Days!' Local Man Reacts as Lightning Strikes During Ipswich Storm

Double rainbow guy better watch out -- it looks like he might have some competition.

Ipswich, England was reportedly hit by unusually intense storms on April 12, which was also recorded as the warmest day of the year in the small town.

Apparently, the storms brought with them lightning, thunder and hailstones to the area, which caused a bit of a panic.

One man by the name of Carl Harlott recorded one of the powerful strikes and posted the video to YouTube.

But it isn't the storm that makes the 35 second clip special -- it's Harlott's reaction to it.

The last time you were this amazed, you we're probably a 5-year-old experiencing Disney World for the first time.

Go ahead and see for yourself -- the magic starts around 0:15.


Since being uploaded on Tuesday, the video has less than 3,000 views.

But if we were to bet on it, this gem won't stay hidden for long, and people will be rocking "Oh my DAYS" tee shirts by the end of the month.

Related: See severe weather around the United States so far this spring:
