Forget Boaty McBoatface, now there's Horsey McHorseface

Boaty McBoatface Dominates Poll to Name Polar Research Ship
Boaty McBoatface Dominates Poll to Name Polar Research Ship

Let's hope this isn't the beginning of a big new trend. Remember when the U.K. asked the internet to name it's new $300 million Antarctic survey vessel and the people decided on "Boaty McBoatface"?

Well that may now be a thing. Australian horse owner Joe Rosetti was inspired by the boat's name and decided to give his new racehorse a similar moniker. Can you guess its name?

Horsey McHorseface.

Yup, the 2-year-old gelding will make his debut in the horse racing world sometime in May.

So why the name?

"We had a laugh about it in the office and thought, 'Hey, why not'," Jake Bruce, the racing manager, told CNN. "Joe's a good bloke and he's a good horse -- we just thought it would be a good fit."

Plus, "any publicity is good publicity ... He's got as good a chance as any to make it and we'd absolutely love to win with him on a big day. It would be a) hilarious and b) great for the owners," Bruce said.

And to top off the movement of these silly monikers, there's now a train in England that's called Trainy McTrainface.

We're afraid to imagine what's next.

Speaking of names, can you guess these celebrities' real names?
