Feel comfortable going makeup-free with our guide to bare-faced beauty!


I've always loved all the rituals of dressing up for a night out. From picking out the perfect outfit to styling my hair just right, it's all movie-montage fun to me, complete with a fun soundtrack!

After all, a lazy Saturday afternoon before meeting up with girlfriends is the perfect time to experiment with new makeup techniques, like this game-changing trick for applying eyeliner perfectly!

But what if you don't have time to do your makeup? Or what if you're just not good at putting it on?

Fortunately, there are a lot of simple changes we can all make in our routines that make it easy to skip makeup anytime we feel like it, and still feel fabulous without it!

For years, I thought there was no way I would ever leave the house without at least concealer and mascara, but I quickly learned that with a few lifestyle shifts, it's totally doable!

Check out the gallery below for a few of our favorite tricks for feeling beautiful without makeup!

1. Stay Squeaky Clean

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

This one probably goes without saying, but the easiest way to feel lovely and fresh is to keep clean!

We all know the grimy feeling that comes with a skipped shower on a particularly rushed morning. By the same token, we all know how incredibly restorative and refreshing even a quick scrub can be!

And it's not just full-body bathing. Washing your hands regularly helps prevent spreading blemish-causing bacteria, and cleaning your face nightly helps remove all the wear and tear of the day.

2. Moisturize Daily

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

Of course, having excellent hygiene won't get you very far if you aren't also moisturizing your skin.

Scrubbing down with shampoo, soap, and face wash gets you clean, but also strips away your skin's natural oils.

It's important to replace those oils immediately with conditioner, lotion, and face cream, or your skin will get dry and flaky, and start over-producing grease and oil.

3. Look After Your Health

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

Blush and bronzer are great for a temporary glow, but nothing beats an active and healthy lifestyle!

Healthy diet and exercise are great for looking and feeling great in the long-term.

Exercise boosts circulation to improve complexion and can even help relax away the beginnings of new wrinkles.

A healthy diet, meanwhile, supplies all the important nutrients needed to improve skin tone and grow luscious locks.

Besides all that, a healthy lifestyle serves as an incredible mood booster to increase your positive energy!

4. Sleep Tight

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

Did you know that, on average, adults need seven hours of sleep a night?

Most of us aren't getting as much sleep as we really need, so it might be time to take a close look at improving your sleep patterns.

If you aren't getting quality sleep, consider heading to bed an hour earlier, or even sleeping during the time you might have spent on your makeup routine!

Not only will you feel rested and refreshed, you'll never have to worry about under-eye concealer again.

5. Drink Plenty Of Water!

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

It's so easy to forget to drink enough water.

You can be totally focused on eating right and getting active, but hydrating slips through the cracks because most of us don't drink until we notice we're thirsty.

Instead, keep a filled water bottle on hand at all times, to continuously sip throughout the day.

Drinking plenty of water helps moisturize skin and hair from the inside out, and good hydration fills out the face, reducing the look of wrinkles and pores!

6. Block Out The Sun!

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

The sun is the great catch-22 of every woman's beauty routine. On the one hand, sunning feels great, chases away the blues, and tops up vitamin D.

On the other, getting too much sun is a guaranteed recipe for wrinkles, leathery skin, and worst of all, the risk of skin cancers.

No matter what kind of complexion you have, or how great you look with a tan, it's important to wear at least SPF 15 anytime you're outside — bonus, it's in most moisturizers! — and to use accessories like hats and sunnies to protect other vulnerable areas!

You'll still get the mood-boosting benefits of the sun without the dangers!

7. Get Grooming

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

One of the easiest ways to skip the morning makeup routine? Make sure that all of your other grooming is tip-top first!

One of the easiest ways to feel confident without makeup is to make sure you've taken care of all the other little details.

Make a weekly ritual of plucking eyebrows, exfoliating rough skin, and buffing your nails — with all the little things taken care of, cosmetics will feel like an unnecessary afterthought!

8. Find The 'Do For You

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

One of the easiest ways to phase out a daily makeup routine is by putting some of that time and energy into your hair instead!

We're not saying you need to spend hours curling and primping and fussing — just spend some time with a trusted stylist considering color and texture, then work towards finding the perfect hair cut for you!

Whether you realize you can rock a sleek silver bob, or discover the pixie cut of your dreams, if you have great hair that you feel good about, you aren't going to need much else to look fabulous!

9. Find A Signature Style

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

If you look at most of the women behind the world's top fashion magazines, you notice that they have two things in common: great style and little-to-no makeup.

Mixing awesome taste with minimal makeup is the not-so-secret styling tip of the fashion world.

Take a page out of their playbook and try emphasizing your natural beauty with a sharp and chic ensemble that shows you don't need cosmetics to be stylish.

10. Wear It With Confidence

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

Of course, the most important tip for pulling off the bare-faced look and feeling great doing it? Have fun!

Projecting confidence and positive energy is a surefire way to turn heads and look amazing, no matter what your makeup routine looks like.

You know what they say, the best accessory is a smile!

Are you going to try any of these tips for skipping the morning makeup routine? Let us know below!

Don't forget to SHARE these easy and low-maintenance beauty tips on Facebook!

Even the most glamorous of celebrities go makeup free:​

Rihanna Goes Bare-Faced in Down to Earth Pictures
Rihanna Goes Bare-Faced in Down to Earth Pictures

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