Transgender teens celebrate their journey with viral #MomentsInTransition hashtag


A new, powerful movement has sprouted up on social media this week calling for transgender teens to reflect on key milestones during their transitions.

Appropriately titled, #MomentsInTransition, the hashtag has seen a flood of posts from members of the LGBTQ community celebrating just how far they've come on their individual journeys.

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Instagram user Gabrielle Diana kickstarted the trend, uploading a photo of herself a few years apart to highlight her progress. Along with the photo, she explained her reasoning for posting it, stating, "I was scrolling through my old photos, just reminiscing on old times. I never really like to go back to these times in my life, but something about seeing the image on the left have so much happiness for where I am now."

In an interview with Buzzfeed News, Gabrielle went even further, stating, "In the trans community I've seen a lot of people always looking for what they WANT to be in the future, which is totally understandable."

"I think it's important to look back on defining moments in our transitions and really give ourself props, because it's so important that we recognise our hard work and let it really be noticed" she said.

Coincidentally enough, the movement falls on March 31, International Transgender Day of Visibility.

Check out some of the inspirational posts below.

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