Are you one of the 2.7% of Americans actually leading a healthy lifestyle?

Women in reverse warrior pose during yoga class
Women in reverse warrior pose during yoga class

Your diet is 90 percent kale and you start every day with a sunrise sweat session (#riseandgrind). You stretch, you meditate, and everything you slather on your body is of the all-natural variety. You're essentially a #nofilter picture of health.

But according to a new study by the Mayo Clinic, fewer than 3 percent of Americans are actually leading a definitively healthy lifestyle. What?!

SEE MORE: The best foods for a bloat free life

All that matcha isn't for naught, though. The study had four criteria for the designation of "healthy lifestyle," The Atlantic reports:
+exercise (moderate to vigorous exercise for at least 150 minutes per week)
+diet (a score in the top 40 percent on the Healthy Eating Index)
+body fat percentage (under 30 percent for women)
+smoking habits (no smoking!)

Some qualifications were easily met: 71.5 percent of adults were non-smokers, 46.5 percent got enough exercise, and 37.9 percent have healthy diets. But only 9.6 percent were found to have normal body-fat percentages, and only 2.7 percent of people met all four requirements.

SEE MORE: How to really clean your yoga mat

Hey, we all have weak spots, whether it's going hard on that pint of [vegan] Ben & Jerry's lurking in the freezer, or throwing back an Olivia Pope-sized glass (or three) of pinot as a post-boot camp tradition. But when it comes to diet, where do you stack up?

The Healthy Eating Index invites you to look at your dietary intake over the course of 24 hours, scoring points in various categories to determine just how healthy you are. See where you fall, then report back in the Comments, below!

SEE MORE: Why meditating before your next run might make you happier

One thing your diet can always use more of: superfoods! These nutrient-dense food world darlings promise everything from glowing skin to lower risk of chronic disease.

For more health tips, watch the video below!

Healthy Lifestyle Could Reduce Risk of Dementia
Healthy Lifestyle Could Reduce Risk of Dementia

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