Italian town bans women from looking like prostitutes

Italian town passes law restricting how women can look and act in public
Italian town passes law restricting how women can look and act in public

One Italian town just passed a new law, banning women from dressing "like a prostitute."

Salerno, Italy has just made it illegal for a woman to dress and/or act like a prostitute. The town, who says they have seen an influx of working women, says they will fine women whom they believe to be a prostitute.

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"The recent rise in prostitution has come just as we are expecting our annual influx of foreign visitors, so it's important that we act to protect the reputation of our town," a town spokesperson said, according to The Sun. "We are encouraging police to fine indiscreet and brazen prostitutes for violating urban decorum."

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A woman who dresses how she pleases could face a fine of about $571.

Prostitution in Italy is not illegal, however pimping and soliciting are.
