Why this social star is about to take over Facebook and Instagram

Why this social star is about to take over Facebook and Instagram

My brother Sevnth & I are showcasing ALL NEE MATERIAL tomorrow in Austin, Texas for SXSW! Im excited :)

Posted by Maye Star on Tuesday, March 15, 2016

We interviewed up-and-coming social media user Maye Star at South by Southwest, after he spoke at the official Native.Digital Panel, this week about everything from his thoughts on Facebook to why he loves Snapchat.

See the full interview below!

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When did you first realize social media would be a big part of your career and your life?

=I'd say, probably 5 years ago -- in 2011. Facebook is where it definitely started for me. It's crazy because Facebook kind of took an 'L' in 2013-2014 is started to go down, but now it's coming back on something real crazy, it's like resurrection. I just love the fun of social media, that's before even realizing like, this is going to blow up. I love the fun of social media. I'm super fun and artistic, so I like to use social media platforms to show that. On my Instagram, it's like a canvas.

Do you have on platform that you're really into right now?

Instagram for sure!

What do you think about Snapchat?

It's one of the best social media platforms that has come to play. It's like I mentioned in the panel, it's super easy to interact with fans and viewers. It's easy to just reply back, and it brings them inside, into your personal life. I like to make Snapchat almost like a movie. Snapchat is super easy to respond back to my fans really quick. So, I love it.

What are some of your biggest passions outside of social media?


What kind of music?

It's like a hybrid. It's what people are calling future beats. So, I'm a part of the future beats scene, it's like people like Bryson Tiller and Diplo. It's a real fusion of hip-hop, R&B, electronic, and soul.

Where do you get your inspiration from to create all of these awesome things?

This right here. Everything is inspiring. I use real situations and turn it into a real message, like this right here [SXSW] is super inspiring for me. Inspiration is everywhere. I hear so many people say: 'oh I can't do something', or 'I have writer's block, or 'they can't create a video today because there's no inspiration'. Inspiration is everywhere. You've just got to look.

A lot of people who don't work in social think a Vine actually takes 6-seconds. How long does it actually?

Oh not at all! Takes me 45 minutes to an hour, but it can go longer than that. What people forget about all of us who make the Vines and Facebook videos is that we're trying to make actual, cinematic films. It's not easy. It's got to be perfect. It's just like making music, you know, it could be that one word you said with a lisp that you have to go back and fix.

What advice would you give to someone who's trying to do this for a living, or make it big on social media or their passion project?

Don't hesitate, don't procrastinate. A lot of questions we ask to be able to move forward, we already know the answers to. So I say, don't search for answers, just go out and shoot. You're going to keep learning every time. Repetition is the father of learning.

That's how all of these guys made it so big, repetition. Doing it every single day, every other day, every other weekend, scheduling shoots. Just keep doing it. Keep shooting. Inspiration is everywhere.

What do you think collaboration had brought to Vine, Facebook, etc. Working with all of these other people?

M: You know, the big thing in life is family for sure. So these just show that – we're a family. It's not a competition; it's not an individual project. It's what we all want to do, so we're all going to help each other, because we're all going to make it. It can all work. It just shows the family part of it – top squad forever. We're family! We all help each other – it's not like 'oh you got more views' it's like 'maybe you should try this so you get more next time' – we're all a reflection of each other.

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