Live the vampire lifestyle in Dracula's castle for a bloody $66M

Dracula's Castle Is For Sale
Dracula's Castle Is For Sale

Though there's been debate in the past on whether or not the famed Bran Castle is in fact the actual castle that Dracula was based around, one thing is for certain: If we were Romanian royalty with a sweet tooth for blood of the innocent, we'd definitely be choosing to live here.

In fact, we'd realistically like to live here as a 21st century humans. And now it's possible, as the estate is on the market for the cheap and affordable price of $66M.

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Bram Stoker, the author of perhaps one of the most famous stories all time, describes the castle in his book as:

"...on the very edge of a terrific precipice. A stone falling from the window would fall a thousand feet without touching anything! As far as the eye can reach is a sea of green tree tops, with occasionally a deep rift where there is a chasm. Here and there are silver threads where the rivers wind in deep gorges through the forests."

Sounds like a very persuasive real estate pitch if we've ever heard one.

Credit: Getty

The castle is a little tight on space to sleep, as it only has 57 bedrooms. Oh, and there's no indoor plumbing. So enjoy.

At just under 800 years old, the castle has been under ownership from everyone between knights and royalty. Since 2009, the castle has been under the ownership of descendants of the royal Romanian Habsburg family, who have graciously opened it as a popular tourist destination.

Take a moving tour of the castle below:

Though there's no official real estate listing for the home quite yet, the castle was reportedly offered to the Romanian government for the $66M price and was graciously declined.

There are rumors that the owners are willing to drop down to $13.4M, as they are getting older and are in need of someone to takeover the upkeep and renovation of the castle.

We're just banking on winning the next Powerball and buying it off ourselves.

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