Mark Cuban, J.K. Rowling, Oprah: 31 quotes about luck (and making your own)

14 Powerful Motivational Quotes
14 Powerful Motivational Quotes

Latest in a year-long series: 366 Daily Inspirational Quotes for 2016

It's March already. Can you believe it?

This year, I've been starting each morning with an inspiring, poignant or witty quote--and sharing one for each day on

St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner, so we've got 31 quotes about luck--making your own, being ready when it arrives, even bemoaning its absence--from quotable people ranging from Marc Cuban to Whoopi Goldberg to John Hay.

Bonus Content: Find the earlier installments here and here. Or, you can get the entire original list of 366 Daily Inspirational Quotes for 2016, here.

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Tuesday, March 1:

"No one is going to know or care about your failures, and neither should you. All you have to do is learn from them and those around you. [A]ll that matters in business is that you get it right once. Then everyone can tell you how lucky you are."

--Mark Cuban

More Mark Cuban quotes:

Wednesday, March 2:

"Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect."

--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, March 3:

"You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from."

--Cormac McCarthy, No Country For Old Men

Friday, March 4:

"Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get."

--Ray Kroc

Saturday, March 5:

"Luck can only get you so far."

--J. K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling throughout her career:

Sunday, March 6:

"Hard work and a proper frame of mind prepare you for the lucky breaks that come along -- or don't."

-Harrison Ford

Monday, March 7:

"Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck."

-- Dalai Lama XIV

Tuesday, March 8:

"Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure."

--Earl Wilson

Wednesday, March 9:

"Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity."

--Oprah Winfrey

Thursday, March 10:

"Luck? I don't know anything about luck. I've never banked on it, and I'm afraid of people who do. Luck to me is something else: hard work -- and realizing what is opportunity and what isn't."

--Lucille Ball

Friday, March 11:

"The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself."

--Douglas Macarthur

Saturday, March 12:

"When it comes to luck you make your own."

--Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen through the years:

Sunday, March 13:

"I broke a mirror in my house. I'm supposed to get seven years of bad luck, but my lawyer thinks he can get me five."

--Steven Wright

Monday, March 14:

"The Ancient Egyptians considered it good luck to meet a swarm of Bees on the road. What they considered bad luck I couldn't say."

--Will Cuppy

Tuesday, March 15:

"It's hard to detect good luck -- it looks so much like something you've earned."

--Frank A. Clark

Wednesday, March 16:

"We are all a great deal luckier that we realize, we usually get what we want - or near enough."

Roald Dahl

Thursday, March 17:

"Luck is a very thin wire between survival and disaster, and not many people can keep their balance on it."

--Hunter S. Thompson

Friday, March 18:

"I believe you make your own luck. My motto is 'It's always a mistake not to go.'"

--Tom Brokaw

Saturday, March 19:

"When you get as lucky as I got, you have to work as hard as possible to earn that luck."

--Daniel Radcliffe

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Sunday, March 20:

"Luck consists largely of hanging on by your fingernails until things start to go your way."

-- Aaron Allston

Monday, March 21:

"If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it."

--Bette Davis

Tuesday, March 22:

"When I work fourteen hours a day, seven days a week, I get lucky."

--Dr. Armand Hammer

Wednesday, March 23:

"There is no such thing as luck. There is only adequate or inadequate preparation to cope with a statistical universe."

Robert A. Heinlein

Thursday, March 24:

"Things happen to you out of luck, and if you get to stick around it's because you're talented."

-- Whoopi Goldberg

Friday, March 25:

"True luck consists not in holding the best of the cards at the table; luckiest is he who knows just when to rise and go home."

-- John Hay

Saturday, March 26:

"No one has as much luck around the greens as one who practices a lot."

--Chi Chi Rodriguez

Sunday, March 27:

"In the long run, you make your own luck - good, bad, or indifferent."

-- Loretta Lynn

Monday, March 28:

"If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it."

--Jonathan Winters

Tuesday, March 29:

"If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities."

--Maya Angelou

More from Maya Angelou's life:

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Wednesday, March 30:

"Luck is not something you can mention in the presence of self-made men."

--E.B. White

Thursday, March 31:

"I'm a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it." Thomas Jefferson

See you next month. And don't forget--you can get the entire first list of 366 Daily Inspirational Quotes for 2016 here.

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