Rescue parrot Pepe makes friends with piglet and kitten

Rescue Parrot Pepe Makes Friends with Piglet and Kitten
Rescue Parrot Pepe Makes Friends with Piglet and Kitten

Pepe made some new animal friends after being rescued off the street.

He lives at the Interspecies Equality Sanctuary in Santiago, Chile, where things are clearly going well for him. But the party just started. The sanctuary says they found Pepe wandering around a road in the middle of town and he was disoriented, stressed, and sad.

Pepe, un lorito que te hará amar a las aves <3Cuando fue encontrado desorientado en una calle del centro de Santiago, Pepe estaba estresado y decaído. Lo había pasado muy mal. Pero esos tiempos ya quedaron atrás: ahora no solo vive tranquilo, sino que ha hecho nuevos amigos con los que juega, comparte y regalonea.¡Deja que Pepe te sorprenda en este bonito vídeo y te muestre lo maravillosas que son las aves <3!

Posted by Santuario Igualdad Interespecie on Thursday, February 4, 2016

That's no way for anyone to live, so Pepe now resides at the animal refuge. Pepe has made so many friends. Laura the piglet, Marina the kitten, and especially the humans who brought him in and saved his life.

The Interspecies Equality Sanctuary is mostly a refuge for farm animals, but everyone gets along adorably well -- and that now includes Pepe.

Take a peek at more unlikely animal friends:

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