Oscar nominee Charlotte Rampling says diversity scandal is 'racist' against white people

Academy Awards: Charlotte Rampling
Academy Awards: Charlotte Rampling

Charlotte Rampling is one of this year's Best Actress nominees for her wonderful work in 45 Years. She is also, like the other 19 people nominated for an acting award at this year's Oscars, white. While speaking to France's Radio 1 Friday morning, Rampling said that the controversy over this latter point was "racist to whites." (She was speaking in French; The Guardian translated her remarks into English.) As the British actress told the station, "One can never really know, perhaps the black actors did not deserve to make the final list ... Do we have to take from this that there should be lots of minorities everywhere?" For a certain segment of film fans, this is even worse than that time Oscar Isaac wore an Ayn Rand shirt.

See photos of the 2016 Oscar nominees:
