Miley Cyrus wears a diaper for totally crazy 'BB Talk' music video

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Miley Cyrus' latest music video is for a song called "BB Talk," so really, we should have seen this coming.

The singer went "full baby" for her latest video with her new outfit, Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Petz, donning a diaper, bonnet, and blonde pigtails as she waxes poetic about an old love in the truly bizarre clip.

SEE MORE: NSFW! Miley Cyrus Gets Naked - Kind Of - On Stage for First 'Dead Petz' Performance

"You know what, in the beginning it was like we were f***ing homies and s*** and then all of a sudden you started with some f***ing baby goo-goo tongue down my f***ing throat," she sing-speaks. "I mean, even in front of your mom."

Miley actually speaks most of the verses, detailing the "f***ed up" relationship while rolling around on the floor with a giant pacifier and taking hits from a bong shaped like a baby bottle.


If you think that's TMI, just wait until she starts sucking on her toes.

SEE MORE: Miley Cyrus Is Naked and Sucking on a Police Baton in Outrageous New Photoshoot

"Look, I like when you send me, you know, the, the queen emoji, but when I send back the monkey, you know, the ones with the, the hands over the eyes, that means that s***'s just getting a little too weird for me," Miley continues.

She's also randomly in an egg at one point?


"Baby talk is creeping me out," Miley declares in the chorus. We totally agree.

SEE MORE: Miley Cyrus Compares Playing 'Hannah Montana' to 'Toddlers and Tiaras'

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