One parent gets creative transforming their daughter's lunches into little brown bags of magic

Dad Makes Daughter's School Lunch Awesome With Creative Drawings
Dad Makes Daughter's School Lunch Awesome With Creative Drawings

Many times, school lunches are full of surprises, and sometimes, they aren't the greatest surprises. However, if you are super creative like this parent you just might be able to get your child to eat their brown bagged school lunch!

SEE ALSO: ​This dad makes truly creative school lunches for his kids

Lilith's decorated brown bagged lunches are the envy of everyone who enjoys a little fantasy in their life. Imgur user Roboguzu uploaded photos to the image sharing site a few days ago and have gone viral for the best reasons.

Roboguzu references "Harry Potter," "Super Mario Bros.", and "Game of Thrones." They start off the series of photos with a sweet message and then proceed to list the various creations!

This school year, my daughter had to have her name written on her lunch. I thought I would have some fun with it, so I wrote this on it the first day. But then I couldn't stop myself...

Here are just a few of our favorites!

Imgur - Roboguzu
Imgur - Roboguzu

Check out more than 50 submissions from Roboguzu in the gallery below!

This adult clearly gets the "Cool Parent Award."

Check out some other awesome lunch ideas in the gallery below!

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